Obverse Design

Indian Bust facing left with the legend "SILVER" above and "NICKEL" below.

Reverse Design Legend "Club El Marino" above. Legend "Coco Solo, C.Z." below. The center has a motto "THE MAJORITY OF US THOROUGHLY ENJOY LIFE".
Color Black print on silver background.
Material Wood. Weight About 2.5 grams. Size and Shape Round, 37.5 mm in diameter.
Dates Issued Unknown (1970's?).
Issuer Club El Marino based in Coco Solo, Canal Zone. Translated from the Spanish, "Club El Marino" means "The Sailor Club". Please e-mail me if you know more about this club.
Mintage Unknown.
Rarity Very Rare. Manufacturer Probably the Old Time Wooden Nickel Company. Other Catalog Numbers Asociación Numismático's FM-3.
Varieties There are a total of three varieties known. One variety uses a silver background instead of the natural wood, and says "SILVER NICKEL" on the obverse. Two varieties use the natural wood background, one with blue print and one with black print.
Function The function of this piece is unknown besides what can be deduced from the piece itself. This could be a drink marker from a bar, a souvenir from a drinking club or a souvenir from a boating and yachting club. I would appreciate e-mail from anyone who can add anything.
Population Count Two specimens in collector hands are known to me. I do not know of any recent sales.

Panama Canal Yacht Club Cristobal
Panama Canal Yacht Club Cristobal
From the Canal Zone Review, Fall 1971 Edition